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My First Grade Binder 
Now available!

Ready Set Learn top sellers are our Preschool and Kindergarten binders. Our binders have  been showing great results with children age 2-6 years old. Not only are children learning, but they are having fun while working on their binders. 

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My First Grade Binder

Our First grade Binder includes 21 pages with educational, and creative pages for kids age 6-7 years old. Our First grader has a variety of subjects such as reading and writing, math, and science and social studies.

If you have purchased our Toddler - Preschool binders then your child has learned an overload of sensory and cognitive experiences. If not, then do not feel like your child is behind. Your child will also learn these behaviors on the day to day basis. First grade is the time where your child will use these sensory and cognitive experiences. 

Why is first grade so important? This is where it all starts! It’s not just an introduction or first step to more advanced concepts. In this grade, the fundamental building blocks that will be used throughout your children’s lives are laid and their love or disdain for a subject is setting in.

What the First Grade binder includes:

1. I can trace my name

2. Months and days of the year

3. Trace each word then write it (cat...)

4. Trace each word then write it (Bed...)

5. Trace each word then write it (Pig...)

6. Trace each word then write it (Box...)

7. Trace each word then write it (Sun...)

8. Read the sight words then place on the tree

9. Beginning blends

10. Ending blends

11. Draw a line to each land form or water body to each picture

12. Life cycle of butterfly

13. Skip counting by two

14. Skip counting by five

15. Greater than less than or equal to

16. Number line subtractions

17. Addition

18. Roll and Add

19. Place the correct amount in the jar

20. Make your own savings jar

21. Write down a time and draw lines to match it

Purchase our famous
Fun Pages

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As you make your way to the checkout, make sure to add some of these Fun Pages to your child's binder. 

"Creativity is intelligence having fun"

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