Toddler & Preschool Classes

Join our fun and Summer Classes with Maestra Jasmin. She makes her classes fun, and gets the kids engaged and excited to learn. Maestra Jasmin has an engaging teaching style that makes the children feel like they are in an actual classroom. She builds her children's literacy, math, writing, and problem solving skills all while having a blast. Everyday she starts her class with a nice stretch and dance to build their excitement and love for learning.

Upcoming Summer Classes for your child for a FLAT FEE of $45
* PDF Book Included
(Hardcover Not Included in Purchase, so make sure to add to your order!)

Follow the schedule of our summer schedule, and join in our classes.
* A week before class you will get instructions on your child's summer schedule.
Class videos are prerecorded, and will be available on Youtube. A link will be sent each week.
Week 1: June 3 - 7
Week 2: June 10 - 14
Week 3: June 17 - 21
Week 4: June 24 - 28
Week 5: July 1 - 5
Week 6: July 8 - 12
Week 7: July 15 -19
Week 8: July 22 - 26
Week 9: July 29 - Aug 2
Week 10: Aug 5 - 9
Week 11: Aug 12 - 16
Week 12: Aug 19 -23
Make up for a missed class by watching a rewind on Youtube
(12 weeks of classes)

PDF of the Summer Book will be included in the Summer Package!

Summer Book includes: learning to write your name, learning the special letters (vowels), Days of the Week, Colors, ABC's, Numbers, Shapes, Differentiating letters, words and sentences. Understanding the difference between a City, State and Country. Learning about our five senses, recycling, and lastly, learning about planting and taking care of our environment.
Session 3:
June 3 - Aug 23
Summer Workbook Now Available!
No product
The Summer Binder will have all the activities, and homework you will need for class. It will also have all the supplies you will need for each activitiy and homework. Maestra Jasmin will also have the same supplies in her class, so your child does not feel lost.
* Parents do not need to purchase a Summer Homework book to be in the class, but it is recommended. Reminder that if you purchased the Summer classes then you will automatically have access to the Summer Book online for FREE!

Educational Learning Binder used During this Summer
We will be following the Summer Binder which is recommended to have for class.
* Parents do not need to purchase a Summer binder to be in the class, but it is recommended